When an injured worker is receiving workers’ compensation and expects to be out of work for at least 12 months, then the worker should consider applying for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. But this raises an important question: does receiving workers’ compensation benefits impact your eligibility for SSDI benefits? The answer […]
Continue ReadingSocial Security Disability
Early Retirement vs. Social Security Disability: Which is the Better Choice?
If you cannot continue to work due to a disabling health condition, you may be considering whether it makes more sense to collect your early retirement benefit from Social Security, or to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. There are pros and cons to each option, which is why it is important to […]
Continue ReadingThe Link Between Individual Unemployability & Substantial Gainful Activity
What is Individual Unemployability? The Department of Veteran Affairs defines Individual Unemployability as a “a total disability rating for compensation, where the scheduler rating is less than total, when the disabled person is, in the judgement of the rating agency, unable to secure or follow a substantially gainful occupation as a result of service-connected disability […]
Continue ReadingMyths & Misconceptions About Social Security Disability
If you are disabled and considering whether it is worthwhile to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, do not believe everything you read online, or hear from friends and family. There are a plethora of myths and misconceptions about SSDI benefits, including the application process, who is eligible for benefits, and what options […]
Continue ReadingWhat are the Benefits to Being on Social Security Disability?
If you are considering whether to apply for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, then you may be wondering, “what are the benefits to being on Social Security Disability?” It’s a valid question since, unfortunately, there is a stigma often associated with “being on disability.” Some people mistakenly believe that receiving disability […]
Continue ReadingUpdates To SSI Program in 2024 May Expand Access to New Applicants, Increased Payments to Current SSI Recipients
The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced a new rule that would expand the definition of what’s considered a public-assistance household. It is anticipated the SSA’s new rule – which is scheduled to go into effect September 30, 2024 – will likely mean more people will be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and current […]
Continue ReadingThe “Social” Struggle: How Social Media Use Could Affect Your Social Security Claim
Comedian James Veitch once said, “The Internet gave us access to everything; but it also gave everything access to us.” Truer words have never been spoken. We live in a world in which we have access to endless information, perhaps right on a device kept on us at all times, and with just the click […]
Continue ReadingDisability Benefits and Multiple Sclerosis
More than 2.9 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), including close to 1 million people in the United States. Disability benefits and Multiple Sclerosis are linked in that MS is considered a “qualifying disability” to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). MS can also serve as the basis […]
Continue ReadingAppropriate Medical Treatment for Disability Benefits: What You Need to Know
To be eligible, you need records reflecting appropriate medical treatment for disability benefits. Adequate and continuous treatment is critically important to obtain benefits. When a prospective client contacts our firm about pursuing disability benefits, a common issue we encounter is insufficient records about the prospective client’s medical care, records reflecting sporadic treatment, or records indicating […]
Continue ReadingSuffering from a Disability? Why Honest Communication with Your Medical Providers Matters
Do You Need to Disclose All of Your Symptoms to Your Doctor or Medical Provider? Do you need to tell your doctor everything that is wrong with you? This might seem like a very ridiculous question, with a very obvious answer, – which is OF COURSE! Honest communication with your medical providers is crucial to […]
Continue ReadingQualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Down Syndrome
Understanding Down Syndrome Down syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21. This additional genetic material affects the physical and intellectual development of the person. There are two main types of Down syndrome: Medically Qualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Mosaic Down Syndrome When it […]
Continue ReadingHow Far Back Will SSDI Pay?
If you can’t work due to a disability, then you may be eligible for monthly cash benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Depending on when your disability started and when you applied for Social Security disability benefits, you may even be able to receive retroactive payments. This is typically referred to as back pay. […]
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