When an injured worker is receiving workers’ compensation and expects to be out of work for at least 12 months, then the worker should consider applying for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. But this raises an important question: does receiving workers’ compensation benefits impact your eligibility for SSDI benefits? The answer […]
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What are the Benefits to Being on Social Security Disability?
If you are considering whether to apply for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, then you may be wondering, “what are the benefits to being on Social Security Disability?” It’s a valid question since, unfortunately, there is a stigma often associated with “being on disability.” Some people mistakenly believe that receiving disability […]
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More than 2.9 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), including close to 1 million people in the United States. Disability benefits and Multiple Sclerosis are linked in that MS is considered a “qualifying disability” to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). MS can also serve as the basis […]
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