In 2024, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) granted benefits to more than 1.1 million veterans and their survivors, which is an all-time record. There are many types of mental and physical ailments that may serve as grounds to apply for disability benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Let’s take a […]
Continue ReadingUnderstanding the Road Blocks: Challenges in Accessing Veterans Disability Benefits
The path to securing veterans disability benefits through the Veterans Administration (VA) is often riddled with potential roadblocks and pitfalls. Successfully applying for VA disability benefits often requires an understanding of the scope and requirements of veterans disability claims. Engaging in the disability claims process requires time, patience, and accurate information. Common Road Blocks to […]
Continue ReadingWorkers’ Compensation and SSDI Benefits: The Impacts and Implications of Receiving Both Benefits
When an injured worker is receiving workers’ compensation and expects to be out of work for at least 12 months, then the worker should consider applying for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. But this raises an important question: does receiving workers’ compensation benefits impact your eligibility for SSDI benefits? The answer […]
Continue Reading12 Essential Terms to Know for Your Personal Injury Claim
Serious accidents are, unfortunately, a common occurrence in and around New Jersey. For example, the percentage of fatal car crashes has skyrocketed in New Jersey over recent years. In 2024, deadly auto accidents increased by 27 percent statewide with the most car accident deaths occurring in Central Jersey, including Middlesex County, according to CBS News. […]
Continue Reading7 Steps to Initiate a Personal Injury Claim
If you or a loved one suffered a serious bodily injury in a preventable accident, then you may be eligible to recover financial restitution for your harms and losses via a personal injury claim. The process of filing a personal injury claim is relatively straightforward but can be time-consuming and stressful, especially if you don’t […]
Continue ReadingMost Common Medical Conditions Eligible for Long-Term Disability
If you cannot work for an extended period of time due to a medical or mental health condition, then you may be able to claim financial benefits via a long-term disability insurance policy. Such policies are typically offered through employers as part of your overall benefits package. If your employer does not provide this coverage, […]
Continue ReadingEarly Retirement vs. Social Security Disability: Which is the Better Choice?
If you cannot continue to work due to a disabling health condition, you may be considering whether it makes more sense to collect your early retirement benefit from Social Security, or to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. There are pros and cons to each option, which is why it is important to […]
Continue ReadingMyths & Misconceptions About Social Security Disability
If you are disabled and considering whether it is worthwhile to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, do not believe everything you read online, or hear from friends and family. There are a plethora of myths and misconceptions about SSDI benefits, including the application process, who is eligible for benefits, and what options […]
Continue ReadingWhat are the Benefits to Being on Social Security Disability?
If you are considering whether to apply for benefits through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, then you may be wondering, “what are the benefits to being on Social Security Disability?” It’s a valid question since, unfortunately, there is a stigma often associated with “being on disability.” Some people mistakenly believe that receiving disability […]
Continue ReadingSchool Bus Accident Lawyers in New Jersey – Important Info You Need to Know
As summer comes to an end, children across the Garden State are returning to school. This means streets and roads will now be occupied by large school buses at certain points throughout the day. As parents, when we put our children on a school bus, we are entrusting their safety to the school and the […]
Continue ReadingUpdates To SSI Program in 2024 May Expand Access to New Applicants, Increased Payments to Current SSI Recipients
The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced a new rule that would expand the definition of what’s considered a public-assistance household. It is anticipated the SSA’s new rule – which is scheduled to go into effect September 30, 2024 – will likely mean more people will be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and current […]
Continue ReadingSocial Security Offset for Long-Term Disability Claims: What You Need to Know
If you were diagnosed with a chronic illness or suffered a significant injury that left you disabled and unable to work, you may be eligible for long-term disability (“LTD”) benefits. Receiving LTD benefits means you get a percentage of your pre-disability income. However, these benefits come with a potential catch – there may very well […]
Continue ReadingDisability Benefits and Multiple Sclerosis
More than 2.9 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), including close to 1 million people in the United States. Disability benefits and Multiple Sclerosis are linked in that MS is considered a “qualifying disability” to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). MS can also serve as the basis […]
Continue ReadingMeet the (Four-Legged) Support Staff at Bross & Frankel, P.A.!
Accounting Department: Franny – Accounts Payable Clerk(fierce lover & protector of all store receipts; somewhat bored with her position and often falls asleep on the job) Bruce – Snacks Receivable Clerk(can be found most frequently roaming the office looking for anyone who he can schmooze into giving him snacks) Management Department Mama – CEO & […]
Continue ReadingNavigating the Road to Auto Insurance with Elizabeth Berenato
Lights…Camera…Action! Bross & Frankel’s very own Elizabeth Berenato, Certified Civil Trial Attorney and experienced personal injury lawyer, was recently the featured guest on an RVN Television episode of “Coffee with Joe”! Auto insurance rates are on the rise (along with most purchases these days…) and shopping around for auto insurance may be a wise move to […]
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