When you start working for the first time, you are confronted with a lot of choices about your financial future. This often includes deciding whether and how much to contribute to a retirement plan, and what your savings strategy will be. You may also be offered an opportunity to participate in a group insurance plan for long and short-term disability.
Disability insurance may seem unnecessary, particularly when you’re young, healthy, and believe yourself to be invincible. Unfortunately, most of us will be diagnosed with one or more mental and/or physical health conditions at some point in our lives. According to the CDC, 28.7% of American adults currently live with a disability. If you cannot work due to a disability, a long-term disability policy will protect your income.
This type of policy protects your financial stability by providing monthly benefits if you are unable to work due to a covered disability. Most policies provide as much as 50 to 60% of your salary for anywhere from 24 months, to retirement age, or until your disability is resolved. Whether you buy a policy individually or through your employer, LTD insurance is a critical component of any financial plan.
At Bross & Frankel, we understand how confusing LTD insurance policies, applications, and appeals can be. We have helped thousands of people throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania in their quest to get disability benefits. Our team has decades of combined experience — which we put to work for our clients each and every day.
If you are thinking about buying LTD insurance or are considering filing a claim, you may be overwhelmed by all of the technical terms and lingo. Our new e-book covers all of the things that you need to know about LTD insurance so that you can make a decision that is right for you. The book answers questions such as:
- What exactly is long-term disability insurance?
- What is a covered disability?
- How do insurance policies define disability?
- What laws will apply to my LTD policy?
- How can I get LTD insurance?
- How can I file for LTD benefits?
- What should I be aware of when filing for LTD benefits?
- Can I appeal a denial or termination of benefits?
- Can I sue my insurance company?
Our e-book is free to download and is jam-packed with clear, easy-to-understand information. If you have additional questions, we are happy to help. Our law firm offers free claim reviews for all prospective clients.
Based in Cherry Hill, Bross & Frankel has offices throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware to meet our clients’ needs. We are fierce advocates for people with disabilities, whether they are applying for Social Security disability benefits, veterans’ benefits, LTD benefits, or even workers’ compensation.
To learn more about how a New Jersey LTD benefits lawyer can help you, reach out today at 856-795-8880 or email us at any time.